Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

A Petition for an enquiry into a condition of anxiety

A white-walled gallery with a grid of black and white photographs on the wall behind a some multi-coloured sculptural objects in the foreground
A white-walled gallery with a pink partition wall in the foreground. Multi-coloured sculptural works can be seen in the back ground, and a grid of photographs on the wall behind

The Modern Institute

Tatham and O'Sullivan produce interrogative works that question the roles and behaviours of contemporary art.

This show continued their task of negotiating the conditions and contexts through which contemporary art circulates.

A series of photographs and objects performed to create a choreographed work. Easels, a sequence of black and white photographs provided a seemingly anthropological document of artists in Glasgow in their studios. An Anthology (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry), a title that renders the work an apology for itself, is an anthology of writing produced by Tatham and O'Sullivan over almost two decades. This publication, as with several other items within the exhibition was produced as a limited edition.