Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

Hap Up Easterhouse

Panels of material suspended with various images printed on the material,
Large white jacket like garment suspended on a pole, with black graphic on one side. A red curtain is hanging behind.

Hap Up Easterhouse

McIntosh placed empowerment and endurance at the heart of her residency throughout the festival in the Easterhouse area of Glasgow. She worked with communities and individuals to ignite resilience and self-determination through participation in art, craft and design.

A communal, multi-functional space was created to host a series of gatherings where the artist engaged with local people in a new creative activism. This inclusive, inter-generational activism may have begun with individual engagement but it ended with communal activity, as people came together for social and creative events. During her residency McIntosh explored obsolete crafts and shared her own personal library of craft related books spanning 35 years.

McIntosh hoped the space would be inviting and responsive where people can informally connect and share experiences.

Supported by Glasgow International, Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life.