Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art
Installation view, people viewing film screen draped across the gallery space
Installation view, people viewing film screen showing large orange fabric blowing on a structure
Installation view, people viewing film screen draped across the gallery space
nstallation view, drop lights from ceiling illuminating the space red and a rectangular plinth with papers on top
Installation view, two illuminated tables with stools displaying small screens and headsets
Installation view, large screen showing an image of water within a landscape
Installation view, large screen showing cloud formations in black and white
Installation view, large screen showing debris lying on ocean floor

Centre for Contemporary Arts

What dissolves total violence? How to repair total extraction? What would it take for existence to be imaginable without both?

Soot Breath // Corpus Infinitum was a newly commissioned film and installation by Arjuna Neuman and Denise Ferreira da Silva. Against and instead of apprehension, it fostered an image of existence as otherwise: one that is not driven or predicated by predatory desire and lethal abstraction or total extraction and its articulations as ethnography, border regimes, slavery, sexual violence, global trade and mining.

Following the element of earth in this third film collaboration, Soot Breath // Corpus Infinitum re-imaged humans as deeply implicated with each other and the nonhuman alike. And in doing so, it is a reminder of an earth-sensibility: to be gentle and tender, to soften like supple grass, to attend, care for, serve and give, which is all to say, simply to exist.