Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

Additional Access Information: Monuments for the Present


CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts: First Bus services 3, 4/4A, 18 and 19. Train station: Charing Cross. Subway: Cowcaddens
School of Health and Wellbeing: First Bus Services: 2, 3, 4/4A. Subway: Hillhead


The video presented in the exhibition has a sound element that does not affect the understanding of the work. The sculpture is made with various fragrances, adding a sensorial element to the exhibition.

The content of the work does not contain anything that is typically in need of a trigger-warnings. However, the premise of the work relates to structural racism in the UK. This includes:
- Elements of the UK immigration system within the stories of the artworks as part of the lived experiences of collaborators.
- This work seeks to provide a positive space for the re-imagining of spaces that continue to glorify individuals involved in/acts of war capitalism as part of British Imperialism that are openly represented (without warning) in Glasgow’s built Environment in the form of existing monuments.