Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

Aaron Angell

Black conical metal structure with a see-trough hole in it surrounded with a white flowers. The Kelvingrove Museum organ can be seen behind it.
A chess display on top of a table made of bricks, behind it, we can see a metalic cream colored box on top of a wooden storage box. Behind that, a big cut tree rings with black labels on it. Behind, a metal conical structure with the see-through circle surrounded by white flowers.
In front of plants, there is a ceramic display of cilindrical turquoise tubes and two ceramic flowers, on top of a base of bricks.
In a greenhouse, between plants, a small display of a ceramic green wheel with a flower on top of it, on top of a base of bricks.
In a greenhouse, between plants, two small displays of ceramic trees with a ladder in between, in front of a base of bricks.


  • 2016
    The Death of Robin Hood
    Black conical metal structure with a see-trough hole in it surrounded with a white flowers. The Kelvingrove Museum organ can be seen behind it.