Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

Hardeep Pandhal

Six plywood boards held by a metal base displayed along the room facing different directions with drawings on them and in the reverse part they have handwritten text in Kelvin Hall as a part of Glasgow International 2018.
A plywood board held by a metal base has a drawn blue car with two people in it in Kelvin Hall as a part of Glasgow International 2018.
A mural over a pink wall with white lines of a person with a green overalls and a chainsaw cutting down a tree with text in both sides in Kelvin Hall as a part of Glasgow International 2018.
A plywood wall with segments of a sunset in the beach and plain plywood with screens with video in Kelvin Hall as a part of Glasgow International 2018.
Lamp post banners against a blue sky with some clouds. Banner depicts graphic image derived from a coffee company's logo
Lamp post banners with street view behind. Banners show graphic image derived from coffee company's logo
