Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art

Lorna Macintyre

Paintings and ceramics in a small room
Paintings and ceramics in a small room
Paintings and ceramics in a small room
two collage artworks hang on a white wall
close up of an artwork with a sheet of brass and pink paper with black abstract print
sculptural installation in a gallery space of a criss-crossing structure in a frame. in front there is a plinth with a small black sculpture. behind there is an expressive painting leaning against the wall.
gallery with two framed cyanotypes on the left and back walls. in-between the two there is a window ledge with a cube monitor with a blue screen.
three metal cylinders with the bottoms covered in a black rusty coating. they hang from chains attached to a fixture on the wall.
gallery installation. In the back left of the image there is a mirror with black abstract markings leaning against the wall. in front is a black metal frame with criss-crossing wire forming 4 X's. In front of this is a small concrete plinth with a stacked black sculpture atop. the far right shows a white canvas leaning against the wall with abstract blue markings. in front of this is a white frame identical to the black one, with 4 wire X's crossing it with another concrete plinth with small sculpture atop.
abstract framed cyanotype
man stands on one leg, leaning back, moving expressively wearing a suit patterned with images of pasta in front of a trifold screen with blue marble patterning.
multiple artworks in a large market hall. in the foreground, on the floor, there is a large flat collage of black and white photos. in the background there are various geometric sculptures and a row of concrete plinths with ceramic vases atop.
man wearing a suit and headband with images of pasta on it. he stands with knees slightly bent and arms outstretched. behind is a trifold screen with blue tie-dye/marble patterning.
man wearing trousers covered in images of pasta captured on one leg, mid motion. behind him is a row of concrete plinths with various ceramic jugs and vases atop.
mannequin wearing a suit with images of pasta on it. behind there is a red curvy bench like structure on the floor, three cube monitors on a low white stand and various other scultpural artworks.
