Play Summit
Play Summit
Play Summit was a three day event that considered the state of play in Scotland and beyond, with a range of activities for children and families as well as for professionals working in play and urban planning.
Artist Nils Norman invited speakers to discuss and demonstrate examples of great adventure playgrounds across Europe, asking play specialists, designers, playworkers and children what play looks like today and how we can improve not only our public parks and squares but also the lives of the children that use them.
In addition, a new adventure playground, which was being built in Dalmarnock by Assemble travelled to Glasgow Green during Play Summit. Children of all ages were invited to play, build and learn about the exciting new space.
All Sided Games was funded by Creative Scotland delivered in partnership with Edinburgh Leisure and Glasgow Life, Baltic Street Adventure Playground was a VELOCITY project delivered collaboratively by Assemble and Create London and was funded by Creative Scotland, Clyde Gateway and Glasgow City Council.