Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art
A photo taken from above showing an area of grass covered by drinking glasses containing flowers. A hand holding a spoon reaches into the centre glass.
A photo of a wall with two white photo frames hanging from it. In each photo frame is a very large postage stamp with an image of a purple Dodo bird and the text 'R1' and 'Mauritius'.
Dates and Opening times

Fri 7 June – Sat 27 July
Mon – Sat, 10am – 5.30pm


Glasgow Print Studio
Trongate 103
103 Trongate
G1 5Hd

Presented by

Glasgow Print Studio

Supported by

Glasgow Print Studio is supported by Creative Scotland. Project supported by CHARTS Argyll and the Isles; Aapravasi Ghat Trust, Mauritius; and We Are Here Scotland, Aberdeen. Additionally supported by Glasgow International with funds from the Scottish Government’s Festivals EXPO Fund.


Good access: The venue has ramped or level access and/or lifts to access upper floors

Toilets: The venue has toilets available for visitors

Accessible Toilets: The venue has a wheelchair-accessible toilet

For additional access information, click here

each body wakes up on a wave is a group exhibition exploring critical connections between labour, migration and the environment. Curated by artists Rudy Kanhye and Lauren La Rose, it questions complex histories of post-slavery indentured immigration and its legacies. Through the idea of the creole garden, the exhibition reflects on systems of labour and migration. 

In 1834, the British Government selected Mauritius as the first site for what it called ‘the great experiment’ replacing enslaved people with ‘free’ labour – this became a global economic system and one of the greatest migrations of workers in history. Drawing inspiration from Mauritian poet Khal Torabully and Edouard Glissant’s concept of the creole garden, Rudy, Lauren and contributing artists activate and respond to the tradition of the creole garden as a symbol of resilience, post-colonial resistance and care. The garden serves as a site of contemplation, connecting with the memories of indentured diaspora and responding to historical and contemporary embodiments of creolisation and mixed-race identities. 


Exhibition Preview Opens!

6pm-8pm, Thu 6 June 

First floor gallery, Glasgow Print Studio 

Event free, all welcome

Themed Rum Cocktail

Coffee Tasting 

Featured Coffee at Market launches in collaboration with Kata roosters the whole month of June. 
Coffee Partners:
-Market Coffee Shop, “Neighbourhood spot.” 1071 Cathcart Road, Glasgow, UK 
-Kata Coffee Roasters “Here to help everyone enjoy a great coffee. Simple.”


Reading Performance of Diego Garcia by Natasha Soobramanien and Luke Williams
2pm-3pm, Wed 12 June

First floor gallery, Glasgow Print Studio 

Event free, all welcome

Running time 25 minutes, 15 min Break, 20 min Coffee Tasting

Natasha and Luke will read from their collaborative novel, DIEGO GARCIA, which focuses on a true historical event and its continuing legacy: the British government’s illegal control of the Chagos Islands, and the expulsion of the Chagossian people from their homeland to make way for a US military base. In 1968-1973 the Chagossians were forcibly dispersed to the Seychelles and Mauritius, dispossessed of their homeland, livelihoods and communities, but they never ceased to resist. The Chagossians continue their struggle for the right to return to their islands, which are claimed by Mauritius, but still illegally controlled by Britain.

Natasha and Luke will read from Chapter 1 of the novel, Debt, which asks, what is owed to whom?


Family Takeover & Coffee Tasting 
2pm-4.30pm, Sat 15 June
First floor gallery, Glasgow Print Studio 
Event free, all welcome 

Between 2pm-3.30pm
-playmats and magnetic blocks
-sceenprinting sugar cane images with Rosalind Lawless
-colouring activities with artists Rudy Khanye
- badgemaking with artist Lauren La Rose
-coffee tasting for adults and pineapple juice for kids
Coffee cupping and tasting with artist Rudy using Featured Coffee “Passing Isle” from Market in collaboration with Kata Roasters the whole month of June.